A weekly podcast with professional golf personalities.
Our hosts will exchange banter with a myriad of interesting guests from all aspects of the game. Coaches, PGA Tour professionals, golf analysts, fitness trainers, social media personalities, industry reps, sports betting experts and many more.
Recapping the standout moments and biggest headlines from the professional golf tours, Plus, stay up to date with the latest golf news, product reviews, and expert feedback on the newest gear and innovations in the game.
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Weekly podcast with interesting people from the golf world, ranging from professionals, coaches, TV personalities, golf experts, amateur golf personalities and enthusiasts, just interesting people that we want to talk to.
The Golf Podcast Live:
Website: https://thegolfpodcast.live/
Featured Product:
Tee Time Golf
WEBSITE: https://teetimetees.golf/
AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Tee-Time-Tees-Bubble-Golf/dp/B0CWBYXJBP?th=1
Shape & Swelter:
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegolfpodcast.live/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GolfPodcastLive
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheGolfPodcastLive
Podcast Platforms:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-golf-podcast-live/id1599657085
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1cqjoLmonVcUIlQQJBWvEt?si=d0e8cc92211b4146
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TGP Partner Links
Paradax Golf: https://paradaxgolf.com/
Shape & Swelter: https://shapeandswelter.com/
Lag Master Sports: https://lagmastersports.com/
ECS Inc.https://ecsagency.com/
Lag Master Sports Affiliate Link:
Mike Dickson Golf:
Sponsor Product Links:
Lag Master Training Aid: https://lagmastersports.com/products/lagmaster-golf-training-aid
Lag Master Mini Practice Club: https://lagmastersports.com/products/lagmaster-mini-practice-club
The Rockshot Pressure Plate: https://lagmastersports.com/products/rockshot
Secrets to Short Game Mastery: https://lagmastersports.com/products/secrets-to-golf-masterytm
Secrets to Putting Mastery:https://lagmastersports.com/products/secrets-to-putting-mastery%E2%84%A2